A arma secreta para jornal

On Truth Social, the far-right social media site owned by Mr. Trump, over 20,000 accounts liked a message Mr. Trump posted on Tuesday accusing prosecutors in Georgia of a witch hunt, after a lengthy investigation brought charges against him and some of his key advisers on Monday for their efforts in the state to reverse the results of the 2020 election.

Mr. Kemp has clashed with Mr. Trump over the 2020 election results in Georgia and other issues, but has also sought to avoid getting dragged into Ms. Willis’s inquiry, even unsuccessfully trying to avoid testifying in the case.

Ustra had headed the DOI-CODI torture unit where Rousseff was allegedly tortured during the military dictatorship. Left-wing deputy Jean Wyllys spat at him after his statement during the same session. The congressman claimed to have suffered homophobic offenses from Jair Bolsonaro and his allies.[242][243]

A separate poll conducted by by Yahoo and YouGov in May found that a majority of Americans - 62% - believe Trump should not be allowed to serve if convicted of a serious crime, while 23% said he should be.

Legal experts say there are a number of motions Mr. Trump’s lawyers can make to try to slow down or put off a trial date in the Georgia case. They might challenge the indictment itself, by arguing, for instance, that the grand jury that handed it up was not demographically representative of the county.

Voters split on whether Harris or Trump would do a better job on the economy: AP-NORC poll A new poll finds neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump has a decisive edge with the public on the economy, turning an issue that was once a clear strength for Trump into the equivalent of a political jump ball.

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“For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward — under oath — and prove anything in a court of law. Our elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, and fair and will continue to be as long as I am governor. The future of our country is at stake in 2024 and that must be our focus.”

Beyond that, getting a pardon in Georgia is not just a matter of persuading a governor to grant clemency. People convicted of state crimes are eligible to apply for pardons only five years after they have completed serving their sentences. Even then, it’s not the governor who decides but the State Board of Pardons and Paroles.

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That's because, for an FBI twice stung by premature decisions in investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and Hillary Clinton's email scandal, investigators did not want to launch into an investigation until solid evidence directly linked Trump and his allies to the chaos that followed the election and vlogdolisboa twitter to the riot.

central platform of Trump's first run for the presidency was that Clinton should be tried and convicted for abusing the sanctity of classified

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Non-e of those motions is likely to succeed, but they can delay the legal process as the court disposes of them.

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